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Our MBT Glitter is made from trilobal polyester, the raw material is already sparkling. The triangular filament shape allows light reflection and ensures that the finished stitches on the leather will look shiny.


Easy to use both for hand stitching and for stitching with a sewing machine, thanks to its Inner-bonded and elasticity


Gold, Silver and 18 other colors are now available. Download the color chart

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Our product is not certain of conventional metallic type threads, it does not give allergy to the human body. In addition, the reduction of chemical reactions on the yarn helps prevent the color change.

We use undyed raw materials. Thanks to the reduction of the dyeing process, these products are much more ecological and contribute to the environmental cause.

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The trilobal polyester, how does it look like?

The triangular shaped fibers reflect more light and give the threads an attractive shine.


MBT Glitter

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What is " Inner-bonded "? Why is it so special?

Low melting polyester glue installed in the center of 3 twisted yarns. It is a unique technique of us. This manufacturing method makes the thread more robust than the others.



Our inner-bonded thread MBT prevents cracks due to the thread's twisting, the sewing seams is very stable. Moreover, it does not fray at all. 


You can also purchase MBT Glitter from our partner: 


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